Second Grade: Day 28

Today is Friday, which means it’s test day in school. There is a spelling test, Bible and math. Isabel has worked really hard this week learning in all those areas. We’ll find out how she does on Monday!

Today, Isabel said they worked on a continent book.

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They had to cut out the continents and then paste them to a page in their book. When I asked her what continents there were she said…”Asia, North America, South America, Antarctica, and Africa.” She couldn’t remember any of the others. She did great! She missed only 2; Europe and Australia. She really enjoyed doing this little project, “it was the most fun she had all day!” (it bet out recess!).

The class played their “sparkle” math game again today. Isabel couldn’t remember who won.

During lunch, Teacher Mrs. A has been reading the Boxcar children series by Gertrude C. Warner. Isabel is really enjoying these stories and when I told her they books originally came out in the 20’s she was surprised.

Speaking of lunch, Isabel said the whole class (except for 2) got hot lunch today. So they all had to go and get their lunch together since so many were getting lunch! Usually lunch is brought to the classroom.

Friday’s are also clean out your desk days. Isabel said she cleaned her desk out and got rid of all the trash from the week. She put all her journal’s and folder’s on one side and book’s and other things on the other. Isabel said Teacher Mrs. A doesn’t allow anyone to dump there desk on the floor! So each Friday everyone has to clean out there desk and make it neat.


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She brought home so many pages of math work today!
I think there were 5 or 6 pages and this is just 1 of those!
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Practice Bible verse test with coloring!

Tonight we are heading to a concert. Isabel has been super excited about it all week! We are going to see the Digital Age. These guys used to be part of the DCB or David Crowder Band. Looking forward to a great night of worship!


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