First Grade: Day 73 – Happy Birthday Jesus Party

Today is Thankful Thursday! Thankful Thursday is P.E. with Mrs. S and computer lab with Mrs. T. Computer lab was cancelled today.

For P.E. they played “squirrels/trees” (forgot what Isabel said this game was like) and “4 corners” (this one too!). Isabel said she likes playing 4 corners.

There was a lot of work to do before the celebration later in the day…

Front: learning to add “s” to words when there is more then one.

Back: learning to add “s” when it’s telling something that is happening now.

Front: adding “ed” to words that are telling about the past.

Back: working with “ed“.
She is getting good at doing word searches and crossword puzzles.

A fun holiday maze.

Today is also the class, Happy Birthday Jesus! party!!!

 The class sang Happy Birthday Jesus (tune of Happy Birthday) and then enjoyed cake, ice cream, gingerbread boys/girls, Christmas cookies, candy canes, and chocolate milk! Principle Mrs. B came to share a story with the class a well. Enjoy!

Principle Mrs. B tells a story of the first Christmas.

Isabel with friends from her class.

Friends enjoying the party!

A bag of “reindeer noses” what a great treat from our friend!

Big smiles from the party goers!

Having fun together.

One of the “mom helpers” that helped with the party.
Thanks Mom!

Enjoying her treats.

Teacher Mrs. B and helper passing out goodies to take home.

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