First Grade: Day 37

Today is Thankful Thursday!

Thankful Thursday is P.E. with Mrs. S and computer lab with Mrs. T.

For P.E. class today they played over-under. Over-under is game with a ball and group of people. The people stand in a line and pass the ball either over their head or between (under) their legs. When the last person in line gets the ball, that person runs to the front of the line and begins the game again until the teacher says stop.

More AR testing with Mrs. T in computer lab. Isabel passed her three tests.

The class also did a large finger paint fall picture…

The trunk is her hand (closed) and the branches are her hands (open).
The leaves falling down are her fingerprints.

She later told me that she wanted her picture to be different, so she put grass and wrote her name 3 times.

The “ow” sound: as in how and low.

Back: “ou” sound: as in round, four, you, and country.

Isabel just learned how to do crossword puzzles and she enjoys doing them!
Great job filling this one in!

Determine how many shapes make up the block.
So colorful!

Front: contraction work.
She colored the hats and then added patterns to them.

Back: more contraction work.

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