Art Gallery

Today Isabel spent over 2 hours outsideĀ chalkingĀ on the cement. Enjoy!

To start off with (left to right) she drew a house, an angel, a butterfly, and a tree with roots.

Loving me some “rainbow trout”!

At the park with trees and grass. The green bushes have berries she said.

Her funny bunny has such large ears because she traced her hands for the shape!

Laid out in her gallery artwork!

She was enjoying herself so much she didn’t want to really come in after she ran out of room. She told me if it rains, she can go out again and start all over!

Lower half: A house, an angel, a butterfly, a horse, a tree with roots, a rainbow, a rainbow trout, a bunny, a green spider (like the one she saw a Lowe’s), a bunch of purple grapes, a face, a plum, a bunch of green grapes, and a dragonfly!

An angel, a butterfly, a tree with roots, a horse, an apple, a flower, a sun, a tree, a park, a bee, a sunset, a rainbow, a bunny, a rainbow trout, a green spider (like the one she saw at Lowe’s), a face, and purple grapes!

I love it!

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