Garden Update

Went outside this afternoon to do my daily inspection of the flower/vegetable gardens.

So happy that most of my flowers from last year came back, I only lost 4 plants to the nasty slugs! This year I’ve been keeping my eyes on all the plants for any signs of slug infestation! We have found a awesome safe/biodegradable product, called  Sluggo, to help keep the slimy things off the my flowers!

Our tiny jalapeno! Both of the plants are doing really well in the pots.

Our garden patch is doing great, just need to keep an eye out for slugs!

We did lose the lettuce last week to slimy pests. They slithered into the garden and had the lettuce wilted and gross in just a few days. Made me so mad!! The radishes have all been picked, they did so well. Next year we will have to thin them out better and maybe get a bit bigger ones. The carrot’s are getting bigger and longer in the dirt, I do need to thin them out more. They smell heavenly!! Can’t wait to sink my teeth into one!

The green bell pepper is coming along nicely and there is another one growing on the other side of the plant as well.

This is (from left to right) peas, tomatoes, and cilantro.

The tomatoes have really taken off since I put the wire guard’s in. The pea plant looks sickly because I just got it into the dirt a few weeks ago! I am hoping that it doesn’t die and gives us more peas. Believe it or not, we have had 3 pods off it and they were so yummy tasting the peas tasted like candy!

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