Kindergarten: Day 77

This morning was a very cold morning to head out to school, the temperature was only 27° and I was freezing. Luckily, Isabel didn’t need to wear a dress today and I was able to bundle her up so well that Mrs. Boettcher thought she was an Eskimo when we arrived to class!

I forgot today was show-and-tell for the boys but after class Isabel told me a real dog was in class today! She told me Lincoln (and his mother) had brought his new dog (puppy) to share with the class. Lliam brought to share a remote control car that could stand up on two wheels and spin. Nevan brought a hand held gaming unit that was square. She didn’t mention any other things, so I think she forget with all the excitement over the dog being in class.

During recess, Isabel said she didn’t feel like playing today and asked to sit on the bench. She didn’t sit on the bench though, she laid down. She said she was really tired and we’re thinking she’s going through a growing spurt!

This week the class has had a student-teacher in the classroom. Her name is Mrs. Bennett. Isabel says she just helps out and watches them while they are in class and outside at recess. She is learning to be a teacher!

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