Project: Floating Shelf

I have been wanting to get Isabel’s room completed but I know that it’s hard to do. I requested from Gino, built-in bookcases along one wall with a window seat in between the bookcases. Easier said and done when you have life going on all around you. Right?! So I decided to get moving on getting the bare walls decorated with what was in my brain and I could do this without the use of Gino and his woodworking tools. Or so I thought…

On one of her walls I wanted to place floating shelves for her little knickknack’s and photos. However I couldn’t find anything I really liked until we went to Home Depot and I spotted these shelves. They were the size and color that I was looking for and they could be purchased in several different sizes depending on what I wanted exactly.

However I talked myself out of buying them after I happened to see an open box on the shelf. The material used and just the whole look of the shelf screamed “CHEAP!” to me. While I debated the issue, Gino spoke up and said, “Well, I could build you something.” After discussing the issue further, we headed over to the wood trim area to look at materials. I picked out some crown molding for the edge of the shelves and wood for the shelf. No paint was needed because I would be using leftover white paint from her baseboard trim.

The weekend passed without further mention of my shelf project and I actually thought he forgot. He was actually going over the whole project in his mind all week! We talked about it again and he told me his idea. I was completely lost with what he was saying. I have to have a picture or an actual item in my hand to “see” what he was talking about. So that following evening after work, he headed out into the garage and began working on his idea for my shelf.

The next night he came in with this boxed shaped shelf and said, “Is this what you want?”
“Well, sort of.” I said.
He said, “Well it won’t look like this I have an idea for that.”
“OK.”  I said.

The next night he’s back out in the garage working and he comes in with this SHELF! I jumped up screaming… “THAT’S WHAT I WANTED! THAT’S WHAT I WANTED!” I gave him a huge hug and kissed his face while he stood beaming over all the excitement I was giving him over this SHELF! It’s AWESOME!

The edge of our shelf.

The top of the shelf where the knickknack’s will sit.

The divided pieces fit together to form a solid mount to the wall stud.


The shelf is 32 inches long on the top and 30 3/8 inches along the bottom and 5 1/2 inches wide. It is 1 1/4 inches thick.
I’m hoping that he can get another one made but shorter.

Thank you so very much!!! I love love Love It!!!!!

Kindergarten: Day 27

This morning Mrs. Boettcher was telling me about a mouse she had in her car yesterday! She noticed evidence of the little rodent when she was driving home. She picked up a candy bar that she had left in her car and before placing it into her mouth. She thought to herself, “I don’t eat my candy bars like that?” and then noticed little teeth marks on the bar. EEEEEWWWW!!!! She threw it down and drove the rest of the way home with her leg in the air and her fingertips on the steering wheel! She said her husband put a mouse trap in the car over night and this morning, it had caught her furry friend passenger!!!! So glad she didn’t munch down on the candy bar. She would have gotten very very sick. “No more food in the car.” she said…

The opening activity was the upper-case “Mm“. Great job Isabel!

Back: Mrs. Boettcher told the class to draw a “Mm” picture on the back. Isabel drew a camping scene of roasting marshmallows. She said that it was Mommy and Isabel roasting, while Daddy was in the tent sleeping.
Her attention to detail on this one is amazing when you look at it closely! From the stars in the night sky. To the thickness of the s’mores with chocolate, marshmallow, and graham cracker. To the glasses she drew for me on my face! Love it!!!

 She was excited to tell me that she got to see her 1st grade friend today. They saw it other only in passing but got to wave at each other!

During recess she asked Presley to play with her and Taylor but Presley didn’t want to play with her and walked away. She and Taylor played birthday party together and it was Taylor’s birthday. They made a cake out of rocks, pine cones, and sticks.

Mrs. Boettcher read the 4th part of Noah today. Noah loaded all the animals on to the ark. Isabel said that he added wolves and bears too.

Today was “free choice Friday”, Isabel picked the computer and the craft table again.

Great job on the coloring.

Back: great job with writing the number 3 and coloring again.

This week’s Bible verses:

“Ee” – “Even a child is known by his doings.” Proverbs 20:11

“Dd” – “Depart from evil and do good.” Psalm 34:14

“Cc” – “Children obey your parents in the Lord,  for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1

“Bb” – “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31

“Aa” – “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Kindergarten: Day 26

All Isabel would tell me about school today was how rough the boys are. After keeping her talking about class and not the boys, I was able to get a few other details but not many.

The opening activity was upper-case “Ss“. I am so glad for any reviews in writing. Isabel still tends to get sloppy and lazy when it comes to writing but she is getting better. The second line is probably the best, with all the “Ss’” being started on the top line and followed through to the bottom line and not going past. Great job!

Back: Mrs. Boettcher told the class to draw something that started with “Ss“. Isabel said that Liam and Ja’Siah are always drawing snakes, so she decided to draw one too. It’s great! The attention to detail is wonderful with the snake and the frame around it. Love it! Now if we could only get that much attention to her writing.

Review of  phonic letters “Tt“, “Mm“, and “Ss“.

Introduction of new high-frequency word: “the“. Isabel was supposed to draw a toy like the other toys on the paper. She said she didn’t know how to draw a toy so she drew candy instead.

Today they sang the animal alphabet song, were all the letters are of animals only.

More phonics review.

Back: phonics review. She did a fantastic job writing her letters here. She told me she wanted to get them right.

Today they went to Mrs. Seal’s room for music. They worked on their Christmas program songs. When I asked her if she liked singing the Christmas songs. She said no, because they are to long and she doesn’t know them. I told her that is Mrs. Seal is having you sing them in October so by December when you have your Christmas program you’ll know the songs. She didn’t seem to like that answer. She did tell me that one of the songs was called, “The Shepherds Story”.

High-frequency word book: my.

Bible verses for the week.

“Ee” – Even a child is known by his doings.” Proverbs 20:11

“Dd” – “Depart from evil and do good.” Psalm 34:14

“Cc” – “Children obey your parents in the Lord,  for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1

“Bb” – “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31

“Aa” – “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Kindergarten: Day 25

This morning we actually got out the door early! On the way into school we ran into our friend from 1st grade. He was brought today by his Dad and we visited on the way to Isabel’s classroom. Isabel even got to see Mrs. W and give her a BIG hug too!

The opening activity was a “Tt” tree maze. Isabel and Liam were the only 2 who found another way to get from start to finish.

Number work.

Back: number work. I am very glad for this review of numbers. Isabel usually writes her numbers backward so review is always great!


Back: “Tt“.

Today they sang the phonic’s alphabet song, which is not like the animal alphabet song.  Today at recess Isabel said she played with several different kids including Taylor. They played “camping” again. The class continued the story of Noah and his obedience to God in building the ark.

The Bible verses for this week:

“Ee” – Even a child is known by his doings.” Proverbs 20:11

“Dd” – “Depart from evil and do good.” Psalm 34:14

“Cc” – “Children obey your parents in the Lord,  for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1

“Bb” – “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31

“Aa” – “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Kindergarten: Day 24

On the way to school today, Isabel and I saw a huge flock of Canadian geese in the ponds along the road to our house. The ponds aren’t filled with the normal over-flow of water and the geese were feeding on bugs or something. I enjoy watching these birds and enjoy hearing them too. I don’t know what it is about them…

Today was Chapel. Isabel said that Mrs. Abra, the second grade teacher, gave the message today. They sang some new songs that Isabel said she hadn’t heard before. She couldn’t remember the message that Mrs. Abra gave. I learned later in the week that the message was about prayer and praising God. She also shared a book by Beverly Lewis, “What Is God Like?. In the book 2 children discuss what they imagine what God is like. They conclude that God is love and nobody loves us more then God and he never changes. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This means his love never changes!

Today Mrs. Boettcher had them do review work of “Rr“, “Ss“, and “Tt“.

Lower-case “s“. She did a great job doing these. She didn’t hurry.

Back: She flipped her page over and drew a Super Butterfly!

Letter work “Tt“.

Back: “Tt

Number work.

Back: number work.

Recess today was cut short because of Chapel. However Isabel got to play with Taylor and they played “camping”. The Bible story today in class was about Noah and building the ark.

Bible verses for the week:

“Ee” – Even a child is known by his doings.” Proverbs 20:11

“Dd” – “Depart from evil and do good.” Psalm 34:14

“Cc” – “Children obey your parents in the Lord,  for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1

“Bb” – “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31

“Aa” – “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23

Later in the evening, Isabel started singing this silly song! I just had to add it. Enjoy!

[vimeo clip_id=”30143509″ width=”400″ height=”300″]

Gladys, where are you going? Upstairs to take a bath.
Gladys, with legs like toothpicks and a neck like a gir rafe rafe rafe rafe
Gladys, stepped into the bathtub… pulled out the plug.
Oh my goodness, oh my soul, there goes Gladys down the hole… Glub Glub Glub Glub

more versions of the song.

Kindergarten: Day 23

It’s October already! I just can’t believe it. Where in the world did September go?

Today when I picked Isabel up she was excited to tell me about her day at school. Today was what Isabel called an, “All School Open”. She said the all the classes meet in the church sanctuary. There was a large roll of paper and a bunch of kids ran through the paper and went up on the stage. The kids talked about eating healthy foods and when the presentation was over they handed out apples and chocolate milk to all the kids. Isabel said she thought the kids running through and breaking the paper was really neat. She liked it.

This months highlights:

Bible: The class will be talking about Enoch, Noah, and the Tower of Babel. Also learning verses for letters Ee, Ff, Gg, and Hh.

Phonics: Review “Rr”, “Mm” and “Ss” and “Tt”, “Pp”, “Cc”, and “Aa”. High frequency words: a, my, the, I, and like.

Math: Sorting, graphing, patterning, one to one correspondence, story problems, and shapes.

Social Studies: Fall season, following rules, working together, and safety signs.

The opening activity was horizontal line practice.

Recognizing rectangles and circles.

2 practice.

“Rr” review.

Back: “Rr” review.

“Rr” and “Mm” review.

My friend, Taylor.

Isabel also mentioned several of the boys getting in trouble today and having to sit in time out. One little boy actually told the Mrs. Boettcher “No” twice before being sent to the table by himself. There was no recess today, outside anyway because of rain. They stayed in the classroom and played “Simon Says”.

This week’s Bible verses:

“Ee” – Even a child is known by his doings.” Proverbs 20:11

“Dd” – “Depart from evil and do good.” Psalm 34:14

“Cc” – “Children obey your parents in the Lord,  for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1

“Bb” – “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31

“Aa” – “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23