Kindergarten: Day 36

We got our car back yesterday morning! It was at the dealership for 2 days but the problem wasn’t all that major. The button that connects the washer fluid to the wipers was broken. A quick fix and it was all good. We even got the work and part covered under warranty! Praise the Lord!

Again, not much was said about Isabel’s day at school. She couldn’t remember she said because she had such a busy day!

I did learn that one of the boys went home sick before Isabel left to go home. Also the Bible story was about the story of the city and their tower or otherwise known as the Tower of Babel from Genesis 11:1-9.

She also told me that Mrs. Boettcher’s dad was back home from the hospital but would have to return next week (I’m thinking for testing). Will keep the family in prayer.

The opening activity was a blank page sitting on the desks.
Isabel drew 2 pumpkins on each side of her paper.

Aa” practice.

Back: “Aa” practice.

Aa” phonics work.

Back: “Aa” phonics work and writing.

Relating “Kk” to “Cc“.

Back: High-frequency word usage “like“.

This week’s Bible verses:

“Gg” – “God is love.” 1 John 4:8

“Ff” – “Fear not for I am with thee.” Isiah 43:5

“Ee” – “Even a child is known by his doings.” Proverbs 20:11

“Dd” – “Depart from evil and do good.” Psalm 34:14

“Cc” – “Children obey your parents in the Lord,  for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1

“Bb” – “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31

“Aa” – “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23


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