School News: Full Day And Letter O

Today was Kindergarten Move-Up Day, Groundhog Day, and they worked on the letter “O” as well! Talk about a full day today for our little preschooler (a preview of next year as a kindergardener)!

During Kindergarten Move-Up Day, the class got to visit the kindergarten room, the library, and meet the music teacher!

Isabel with her friends from school visiting one of the kindergarten classrooms!

In the kindergarten room, they visited with the teacher, got to explore the room, and heard the story about, “Mrs. Wishy Washy“.

Listening to the music teacher play his guitar and later they sang “Father Abraham“.
Isabel LOVED this part of the tour, it’s all she talked about!

In the library they got to see all the books and heard the story of the “The Very Hungry Caterpillar“.

Back in the their classroom, they hear another story about Groundhog day and then worked on a groundhog day project.

Now you see see “Phil“…

… now you don’t!

Punxsutawney Phil predicted an early spring this year!… Oh how I hope it’s true!

The letter “O” is for Olive, Octopus, On/Off.

The special helper today was Rebecca. For show and tell Rebecca brought 2 Strawberry Shortcake dolls. One was purple and smelled like plum and one was red and smelled like strawberry. For snack Rebecca shared with the class animal crackers and milk. Isabel really liked dipping her crackers in her milk!

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