School News: Letter N

I think this morning Isabel would have rather wanted to stay in bed or snuggle with me. She just didn’t have the energy to get going however we did make it to school on time. It looks to be a nice day out with maybe some sunshine poking through the few clouds that are out there hanging around.

Today, in class the Bible story came from Mark 4:35-41 and was about Jesus calming the storm. Isabel said her favorite part of the story was when Jesus was sleeping on the boat and when all the people were gathered around him to wake him up.

This is Isabel’s version of Jesus calming the storm.

I had to share her name writing page today. I was very impressed with how well she did and when I commented on it. She told me that she made the “l” to look like a pickle! Silly girl!

The letter “N” is for noodle. Isabel also says that “N” is for neck and nest.

This is her completed volcano from Monday’s class! They usedĀ vinegarĀ and baking soda to get it to “erupt”.

Isabel said that she didn’t want to make her volcano “erupt”, so with the help of today’s Mommy helper, she got it to.

The special helper today was Aiden. For show and tell, he brought a Buzz Lightyear and Woodie interactive action figures. Isabel said she saw that before so she wasn’t all that interested and I told her that it is important to Aiden because he brought it to class, so you need to show him respect and pay attention while he’s talking about it. Even if you’ve heard/seen it before, maybe Aiden has something new to say about Buzz and Woodie. She didn’t say much after that, so hopefully next time she’ll give it some thought if it’s something she’s seen/heard before. For snack Aiden shared with the class, breakfast bars and apple juice.

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