School News: Letter E

It’s official… Isabel has moved across the aisle, so to speak. She is now wearing little girls outfits (except pants – which she’s always later growing into), no more toddlers and babies. She’s growing up! I’ve been on the hunt for long sleeve shirts and have had to move away from toddlers because the sleeves are to short. I’m not liking this “move” because the little girls clothes, to me, look more like young women or teen outfits, then little girls. Since moving over, I’ve noticed the hem line on dresses and skirts, is way shorter, the printed shirts are more for older kids (who puts purple skulls and flames on their 4 year old!?!), and it’s harder to find the items I think are appropriate for my daughter. So we’ll see how this new “move” goes, I know one thing. I miss the super cute toddler outfits…

“E” is for envelope. Isabel went back to school this morning after being out sick for 2 days. She was a bit nervous going in but quickly came around after seeing Makayla there. They sang “Jesus Love Me” and read the Bible, about a man who was nice and kind, who helped someone walk (and it wasn’t Jesus, she said).

Mrs. “W” painted her arm and put her painted arm on a piece of paper, then Isabel dipped her fingers in the paint too. There was paint all over the paper. (I have no idea what this is about…guess we’ll find out later)

This is Isabel’s “leaf man”.
They read a story about a “leaf man” and then made a picture about him.

At recess, she played on the tire swing and got to ride a bike again. Her teacher blew the whistle and it wasn’t that loud. “If you come to the playground and hear the whistle it’s not that loud,” she says. Makayla’s mom was the Mommy helper today. “She helped push me in at the table,” Isabel said.

The special helper today was Emily, she has blonde hair. Emily brought a toy red turtle with pink hearts for show and tell. She can’t remember if the turtle had a name. For snack, Emily brought bear crackers, grapes, and juice.

For free play, she played dress up. Isabel and a boy from class played Narnia together. “He let me have the bottom because I had the top.” she said about the outfits that they played with.

Our wall of letters.

Putting things in the envelope because… “That’s what it’s for, Momma.”