Let’s cut paper

Today, Isabel and I worked on how to use scissors properly, so first some ground rules…

1. Don’t point scissors at anyone (ever).
2. Keep scissors closed until you are using them to cut paper. Very sharp.
3. Only cut paper. Watch for fingers, clothes, hair, etc.
4. Have fun!

Beginner cuts…so focused on her work.

More beginner work…to get the “feel” of handling scissors.

This task was to do a continuous cut across the whole paper.

Three beginner tasks: Woof! Meow! Growl!
Open and closing the scissors (one stroke).

Cutting a continuous line; a bit rough.

Vroom! Vroom! Beep! Beep!

Same task as the car; continuous open and closing across the page, much smoother.

Splish! Splash!

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