Happy Birthday Daisy

Happy 6th Birthday Daisy!

True to your Vizsla self your hair is turning white
(started last year but we’ve noticed it more this year)
and now you always like have to keep a sweater on – even in the summer!
Your a dopey dog but we couldn’t see our lives without you!

Vizsla Words…

VLICKING – The typical Vizsla greeting, more specifically defined as the art of licking a person all over while jumping four feet off the ground.

VIZALOPE – What your Vizsla turns into when released at the park.

VHINING -The noise heard when your Vizsla needs attention or the noise heard when your Vizsla knows your are on the way to the park. (Daisy can do this one really well!)

VTU-Vizsla Thermal Unit, the amount of heat generated by the dog, on your side of the bed, in July (or any time of year!)

VIZSFUL thinking-the way our Vizsla can stare seemingly for hours at whatever we are eating, thinking we are going to feed her from the table.

VIZSLAPSED TIME-The time it takes for 1) your Vizsla to strike the most beautiful pose or point you’ve ever seen; 2) you grab your camera; 3) you begin to press down on the shutter button; 4) your Vizsla yawns, closes his/her eyes, hunches his/her body in a stretch and looks really goofy; and 5) voila-the picture is taken.

VEXTRA SENSORY PERCEPTION-How a Vizsla knows that you’re putting on your “let’s- go-for-a-walk-or-run” shoes or clothes; or the fact that it’s a weekend morning.

VIZLAMIC-the religion of loving Vizslas.

VALLET-The elegant and graceful dance movements that only a Vizsla can perform.

VALLISTIC-As in “gone Vallistic”; to describe the wild brain cramps-induced bouncing off the walls behavior that only a Vizsla can perform.

VADAR-The electromagnetic system that allows a sleeping Vizsla on the far end of the second floor to detect that you have just begun to cut into an apple/carrot, peeled a banana, or opened the peanut butter!!!!!

VOPPLER EFFECT-The ability of a Vizsla to warp time and space to be sitting politely at your feet, staring at the apple before you’ve finished the first cut.

VIZSMEARS-The smudges on the inside of car windows where your Vizsla presses her nose.