Happy Birthday Karlee

My first real job, as most teen girls in high school, was babysitter. I watched several different kids throughout school and after high school as well. However, the beginning of my senior year, I was given the opportunity to watch a very special girl and her name was Karlee. I watched Karlee for just over a year. Then her family decided to move away, I was so sad to see her leave. I missed her and her family.

Throughout the years, I often wondered about Karlee and her parents. What was she like? What did she like to do? Was she happy? Was she ok? All normal questions to ask when someone leaves an impression in your heart and life…

Karlee and I.

March 1991
She was even in my senior pictures.

A few years after they moved, I got a few cards from her mom
and pictures of Karlee. Then we lost touch…

Then last year I joined a social website called “Facebook”. If you have no idea what that is, it’s a social networking site where you can connect with people you know. You can search for people you might know, too.

One night when I was online within Facebook, I decided that I would search for Karlee. I figured she has to be on there since it’s a site created for young people.  So I typed in her name and the first person listed was Karlee so-and-so, the name was different then what I knew but the face looked a little familiar to me. So I sent a message with some info that I knew about Karlee and she wrote me back! It was Karlee!

2007 – Junior year in high school.
She’s a gorgeous girl! Love her smile, reminds of her mother…

2008 – Summer before freshman year in college.
There’s that smile again!
She is going to school with a major in Nutritional Sciences;
with a minor of Allied Health.

Happy Birthday, Karlee!

God bless you on the road ahead. I have enjoyed reconnecting with you and getting to know you all over again. You were a special little girl to me and have grown into an amazing women. Keep in touch…