As I Try To Cut Off My Finger


Don’t ask me how I did it, and Thank you God, it didn’t need stitches!

Last Friday night, I was out in the garage cutting boxes with a box cutter, to fit into our recycle bin. I was just about finished when I look down and notice blood, which immediately started to run down my hand and drip on the floor. Somehow I managed to get into the house, while still holding onto the device that had just sliced through my thumb.

Gino turns around and says “What did you do?”

He steers me into the bathroom when I begin ranting of really needing to lie down (before I fall down). He proceeds to use hydrogen peroxide to clean out the cut for a better look. He mentions stitches sometime after the screaming stops and I begin my ranting of really needing to lie down.

He tells me to sit on the toilet lid.

By now, I have a toddler staring at me, with eyes larger then the moon and a dog that feels the need to sit on my lap of all places! Gino mentions again the need for stitches if the cut doesn’t stop bleeding. He wraps it with gauze and I somehow make it out to the living room floor where I finally lie down. The next morning, we pull off the bandage, when the cut begins to bleed again. We decide to head over to the Care Clinic; the doctor checks my thumb. Luckily, I didn’t need stitches but I did need to get a tetanus shot.

That I could handle… sort of, better then stitches… just imagine if I had cut my thumb off!

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