School News: Out Sick

We’ve been having some very cool nights around here. Last night only got up to 37 degrees and tonight is supposed to be colder (BTW- turned out to be 35 degrees!). Yikes! I’m not ready for fall, much less winter. Our days have been cloud-free! Which in my book always makes for a great day! Times like these I wish I was a cat. So I could curl up in the window and soak up all those rays!

Isabel didn’t make it to school today. She is coming down with a cold. Her cough seems better then yesterday, so we’ll see how the weekend goes…

School News: Letter D

Isabel had such a busy day, that she can’t remember all that she did. Silly girl. I’ll be helping in the classroom on Friday, so I’ll keep ya posted!

D for diamonds.

The special helper was Presley and she’s a girl. For show and tell, Presley brought a little doll and it’s name was “Cupcake”. Cupcake had light brown hair and a white dress with pink polka-dots. For snack they had a cookie, applesauce, and juice.

School News: Fire Drill

Today at school they had another fire drill, that was the first thing Isabel said to me when I went to pick her up. She wasn’t afraid of it this time but did cover her ears because it was really loud and hurt them.  She also got to play dress up, during free time play and that she got to wear a crown. I think they worked on the letter “D” because she did mention a story about Dee the dinosaur or something like that.

The special helper was Olivia, who brought pretzels, raisins, and juice for snack. For show and tell she brought a stick that lit up, played music, and spun. One of the other girls wanted to play with it and Mrs. W told her no, but she did it anyway. Olivia doesn’t sleep with her stick toy because she could roll over on it, hit a button, and wake everyone up. “That would be silly.” Isabel says.

School News: Toilet Paper

This morning we arrived at school in time to have prayer with Mrs. W, Ms. Calvert, some parents, and other kids from the class. It was a great way to start our day!

On Wednesday, Isabel was told to bring one roll of toilet paper to class with her today. Isabel had told us that they were going to make pumpkins with them.

Before class; acting silly with her paper.

After class with her pumpkin; it’s so cute!

Today they read a story about a cat named Cookie, who made a big miss in the house. Cookie got dishes all over and even got his tail stuck in a drawer in the kitchen. He even made a miss in the closet when things fell down on top of him. It was a funny story. On the playground, Isabel got a bike again and even shared it with others who wanted to ride. One of the boys, Devan, was acting like a crocodile and all the kids ran to get away from him. Makayla is opening up more to Isabel and she’s very happy about that. They are talking more and more each and every day.

Today’s special helper was Lilliana but they call her Lilly. Lilly brought a purple sparkly horse for show and tell. The horse didn’t have a name though. Lilly brought yogurt, “dog-bone” chocolate crackers, and juice. Since Makayla forgot her show and tell on Wednesday, she brought it today. Makayla brought a bamboo piggy bank with money in it. When Makayla would shake the piggy, you could hear the money inside.

This picture was made earlier in the week but Isabel got to bring it home today. It’s a painting that Isabel did while driving cars through the paint! How fun is that!

School News: Letter C

We awoke this morning to a very foggy world outside and temperatures around 44 degrees! Brr!!

Isabel got in the car after school and couldn’t remember what went on during school. After a few questions, she spilled the beans…

They read about Noah in the Bible – he listened to God. There was a new color of molding clay, green. They sang 3 songs, but she could only remember 2 of them: “Itsy-Bitsy Spider” and “Twinkle Twinkle Traffic Light” (sounds like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star).

“Twinkle twinkle traffic light. Shining at the corner bright. Red means stop. Green means go. Yellow in the middle means you better go slow. Twinkle twinkle traffic light. Shining at the corner bright.”

They read 2 books. One book was about little “c”, who was a girl. Who filled up a box with a cat and other things that started with the letter “c”. The other book was about an egg, 2 chickens (1 yellow and 1 spotted) and a fox. They  were eating, on the table was a big egg and a small egg. The yellow chicken asked the fox if the big egg was his. The fox said yes. The fox went to eat the egg and a baby chick popped out causing the chickens and fox to drop their silverware.

Rainbow colored and cotton ball-clouded “C”.

The special helper today was Makayla. She picked Isabel to be her helper doing activities in class and she kept talking w/Isabel (she was very happy that Makayla was talking to her). Makayla brought crackers/cheese and juice for snack. Isabel said she only ate the crackers though. Which is a surprise to me because she loves cheese! Makayla forgot her show and tell. Ms. Calvert said, “That happens sometimes.” Isabel says she will never, never, never, never forget her show and tell. Never.

School News: Caterpillar

Got to school this morning 15 min. early, and I ended up cleaning sticky-gummy toothpaste off my glasses. Don’t ask me how that got there!

Isabel says that they played in a new playground today. It just had grass and it was wet, so her socks got wet. They played the game “Little Bear, Little Bear”; her explanation of the game sounds a bit like tag. She talked with Makayla today and Makayla was in a good mood, she didn’t cry. They sat together and played outside too.

The “leaf” tree, is a combination of the A.M. and P.M. preschool classes, there should be 40 leaves total but it’s missing 6. Can you find Isabel’s leaf on the tree?

The special helper today was Nevan and he’s a boy. For snack he brought pretzels, shark-shaped fruit snacks, and juice. For show and tell, Neven brought a brown toy dog. It didn’t have a name.

“C” is for caterpillar. Caterpillar’s made from egg cartons and painted green.

We grabbed the wrong one!!!… note to self: Check the name!!!!
(BTW: when we arrived at school on Wednesday, Isabel’s caterpillar was there!
Now I need to return Isabella’s.)

Letters for the month of October are: C, D, E, F

Numbers: 1-10

Shapes: Circle, Square

Colors: Yellow and Orange

Concepts: Up/Down and Empty/Full

Bible verse: “Blessed is he who is kind.” Proverbs 14:21

Bible theme: Kindness

Bible concepts: There are many ways that I can show kindness to my family and friends.

School News: Special Helper

This morning we were running late despite the fact that today was Isabel’s day to be the special helper for the class.

After arriving with only a few minutes to spare, Isabel was super excited about being the special helper. She had spent all week trying to pick her item for show and tell. At first she wanted to take a plastic dress-up earring and we talked her out of that. Telling her, that the item has to be exciting, different, and interesting to the other kids. She ended up deciding on a book and was eager to show it to the class.

The kids worked on fall pictures today, with leaves and pumpkins. When I asked about her day and being the special helper, she said she couldn’t remember just that the craft was last. She did talk with Makayla today; who actually talked back to Isabel! I was super excited for this because Makayla is still having a hard time adjusting to being away from mommy. So she’s making progress at getting Makayla feeling better about being in class.

During free play, they got to play doctors and dentists. Isabel said, that they checked each other out, however she didn’t mention anything about being a dentist. Isabel did say that she got a bike again on the playground and that was it. “I can’t remember what we did.” she says.

The special helper today was Isabel! She took mini blueberry muffins (which I later learned was a hit because they had been talking about blueberries that morning), fruit roll-ups, and juice for a snack. Isabel brought the book, “Aslan’s Triumph” adapted from The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough time for Mrs. “W” to read it to the class. Isabel did get to tell about the book and got to show the class her favorite page in the book.

Isabel after school today with her show and tell item.

School News: Homework And Buttons

Today started out very foggy and didn’t clear up until later in the afternoon. I spent the day fighting a headache, which is something I haven’t had in awhile.

Isabel was very excited to get to school today and hand in her first ever homework assignment! She wanted to show the whole class her homework. She received the homework on Friday of last week but with a busy weekend, I decided to do the work on Monday after school. So I got everything together that I thought she would like to use for her homework; stickers, glitter glue, markers, pinto beans, black beans, rice, pom poms, and macaroni. She had a really fun time working on it and was actually able to do 2 projects for the homework but only chose one to take back to school. Enjoy!

Beginning her homework assignment.

Both leaves; which one did she chose?

Isabel and her “leaf” that she took to class. It will be displayed for the month of October in the classroom and then we will get it back.

After handing in her homework, she took off to hang up her coat and get to work on her name writing. She again told me today while I sat with her that she wanted to do it quick. So that she could finish reading her book before they moved on to other things. So she quickly finished, handed in her pencil, picked out a book, and sat at the quite time circle.

I arrived late, because as I noticed on Friday when I picked her up, I was better able to talk with the teachers. Otherwise, when all the other parents are there it’s chaos with kids, parents and noise. Today, when I arrived I was told that Isabel did an amazing job in Chapel today, and was given a special sticker for her behavior. Great job! I also was able to see the “leaf” tree that is taking great shape with all the leaves from the kids. So many colorful and unique leaves! Will have to take a photo before it’s taken down and all the leaves are up!

Today, the kids worked on the letter “B”.
“B” is for buttons, which were glued to large letter “B’s”.
Today they sang songs; the Growing song, the Memory Verse song, the Sticky Gumdrop song, and the Bible song (it’s not the B-I-B-L-E, she said) w/actions.

During free play time, Isabel sat down and made herself a Bracelet from the craft bin, with raffia and tissue paper. She was so proud of it and how she made it all by herself. “With no one to help, Momma!” she said.

Today, as I mentioned before, it was Chapel Wednesday. The story was about Elijah and a bird named Charlie. Charlie was a puppet and he was black. Elijah was a boy and he was sitting on a rock. Charlie would bring bread and fish (salmon) to Elijah. They sang songs and they even had games too in Chapel but she didn’t play the games.

On the playground she was able to get a bike! Usually, all the boys get the bikes and they don’t share. So today she got one. She liked to ride the bike but kept getting stuck but she figured it out, she said.

The special helper today was Rebecca. Rebecca brought chocolate cookies and juice for snack. Rebecca also brought “Jessie” from Toy Story 3! “Did you know there is a Toy Story 2, Momma?” she says with excitement. “Jessie is a doll and she has a pull string just like my elephant does and she talks! My elephant doesn’t talk though. Just Jessie does.” “Momma, when does Toy Story 4 come out, because I really want to see that.”