One Of Many Firsts

We took Isabel to the Movie Theater to see her first movie on Thursday.

We went to see “Horton Hears a Who“.

We arrived a little late so missed the opening previews, which was perfect because we were a little concerned about them being to scary for her. The movie theater had booster seats available for little tikes, which I thought was very cool, so she was able to sit comfortably on that and it even had a holder for her sippy cup! After we got settled into our seats, Isabel was transported into a whole new world of movie theater magic. I’m not going to give away the movie for those of you that haven’t seen it. The only part that we didn’t particularly like was near the end and the child kangaroo tells his mother kangaroo “NO” when she tells him to do something. Regardless, you always need to listen and obey your parents. So this isn’t helpful when you’re trying to teach your toddler not to say it to Mommy and Daddy.

Though it was a cute movie and Isabel enjoyed the first 45 min. of the 1 and 1/2 hr. long movie. She did start to get restless as the 8 o’clock hour approached but all in all she did great!

Rays Of Sunlight And Puppyluv

After several days of on-again and off-again snow, I think we are going to be heading back to more “spring” like weather (at least I hope so!). We had some sun for the first time in several days today. The rays poked through the trees right before it settled down on the horizon. It was a wonderful site for sore eyes! :o)


A rare moment of bonding for these two.
Usually Isabel is poking or Daisy is jumping!


It’s Puppyluv!

Snow At The End Of March

Yup, it has been snowing. It started yesterday (03-26-2008) around 5 p.m. and has been doing so on and off since. As soon as Isabel saw the flurries out the window she was asking me to go out. Enjoy!


Looking west out the front door.


Looking northwest out the front door.

After dinner we bundled up and headed out the door and we spent about an hour tromping through the snow. Isabel came back inside with rosy cheeks and fingers as cold as popsicles!


“Where are your gloves?” Mommy asks. “That’s going to be cold.”


“Here mommy, have some snow.” Isabel says.

Daddy And Isabel

I left Gino and Isabel downstairs tonight and ran upstairs to get something and ended up staying for awhile.

The noises and laughter I heard coming up the stairwell sparked my curiosity, so I grabbed the camera and headed back down. When I stopped on the landing  on the stairs and looked around the corner into the dining room. I was pleasantly surprised to see Daddy and Isabel (Daisy too) under my scrapbook table in a “fort”. They had pillows and blankets and looked rather cozy together. Enjoy!


Their fort.


Giddy-up Daddy.


Isabel eventually “found” me hiding out on the stairs taking pictures!

It’s Resurrection Sunday

We had a rather wet Easter. It started raining around 5 a.m. and continued on and off throughout the whole day. At times it would just pour down.


Just before we headed out the door to church.
She was going to wear a hat but then decided not to.

Easter gift: Boz the Bear book!

Her new Boz® book.

Isabel’s Easter gifts were a new book (of course) about Boz® the bear (, Playdoh® and a stuffed animal friend, Uniqua®, from the show the Backyardigans®.

Crayola Color Wonder Fingerpaints

This week has been all about coloring with the use of crayons, colored pencils, and finger paints!

Today we sat down and used this wonderful new product by Crayola® it’s called Color Wonder Finger Paints®. The “paint” is the texture of Carmex® and you apply it to special paper with your fingers and the color appears only on the special paper. It’s great (see updated note below!).


Choosing a color.


Applying the “paint”.

Isabel had a fun time and is really proud to be showing off her latest artwork.


Isabel’s beautiful artwork is the bottom one! (Mommy’s is the top one)

UPDATE! January 17th 2010: If you should be in the market for anything (paints/markers) Color Wonder, be forewarned that the colors do not last! I was planning on saving them in a scrapbook for Isabel and the color was gone! All that was left was a oily mess. So they ended up in the trash. At least I have the photos of our day together.

Spring Bug And Scrapbook

We have been such slackers on our site but I got sick over the weekend of the 8th and 9th.

It started out as a scratch in my throat that morning and by the early evening I had the chills. The following days produced a fever-up to 100.7, chills, sweats, a cough, aches and pains, and an earache. By Monday evening, Gino had picked it up too. He stayed home all last week with about the same symptoms as me, only difference was his temperature lasted longer then mine did. He ended up going to the Dr. on Friday or Saturday. Come to find out this terrible “bug” was going around. Gino got some antibiotics and is on the mend.

Both of us just have a cough every so often. Spring time “bugs” sure aren’t the nicest way to celebrate spring. Luckily, Isabel didn’t get it to bad, only a runny nose and tiny cough. We kept a close eye on her temperature and made sure to keep her drinking liquids.


A package from G.G. arrived today with a scrapbook for Isabel!
Thank you G.G.!