Snowflake Craft

Today with more rain in the forecast, we spent the early afternoon working on a coffee filter snowflake craft. I had never heard (Gino said he’s heard of it – I must be out of the loop!) of using coffee filter’s but after reading about this easy idea online, I thought I would let Isabel (also get’s more practice with scissors – bonus!) give it a try. So I got out our scissors and even the hole punch and we got to work cutting and trimming. It turned into a huge success! Enjoy!

Folding her filter. “This is fun.” she says.

Her finished snowflake filter.

Our work-in-progress, I’d like to fill up each of the window squares with our snowflakes. Which shouldn’t be a problem because she really enjoys this craft!

One of Isabel’s coffee filter snowflakes.

I thought this was one of the best snowflakes that Isabel did.

Gino even did one!

This is one that I did.

Another one that I did; I really like the way it turned out with the crosses and hearts.

School News: Letter J

What a down pour! The rain has really been coming down all morning but by the time I went to get Isabel after school, the clouds had cleared up and the sun was out! What a great afternoon it’s turned out to be!

When we arrived at class this morning, Mrs. W wasn’t there today; she took the day off to help her husband do some work. She will be back on Friday, so Mrs. Calvert was the head teacher today with a helper friend.

Worked on the letter “J” which is for jewels.

Worked on a paper Christmas tree with pompoms, I think that it went along with the story that was shared during class but Isabel couldn’t remember the story. Isabel did say that the blue pompoms along the bottom are the water for the tree to drink.

Todays special helper was Makayla. She choose Anika to be her helper, but she sat with Isabel throughout the day. Makayla brought a tan camel for show and tell that she got from her dad. Isabel said, Makayla didn’t tell them what the name of her camel was. For snack Makayla brought apples, crackers and juice to drink.

They had recess in the gym because of the heavy rain outside. They played duck-duck-goose and played relay games from the line to the wall.

School News: Christmas Tree Wish

Today at school the class finished working on the pine cones that they had painted last week.

Isabel’s pine cone tree.

“A Wish to be a Christmas Tree”  by Colleen Monroe was read. Which is a story about an overgrown tree at a Christmas tree farm that is overlooked year after year and it’s only wish is to be a Christmas tree for someone. With the help of his woodland friends, his wish may come true… Mrs. W, had a cardboard tree, about the size of Isabel, that she used while she read the story. From the excitement Isabel had with telling me about the story, she really liked it.

Nevan was the special helper. For show and tell he brought a truck. The bed of the truck unfolded and then the truck could be driven on it. The truck also made noise but Nevan couldn’t get it to work. For snack, he brought spider-man fruit snacks, crackers, and juice.

Christmas Tree

Rather then use our old rusted artificial tree this year, we decided to get a real one. So this afternoon, after church and lunch with friends, we headed to Cox Christmas Tree Farm to get our Christmas tree. Enjoy!

It didn’t take us long to find our special tree… a Douglas Fir. Isn’t it pretty?

Beginning the first cut…

Almost there…

Thumbs up for a job well done on getting our perfect tree!

Trying to get it straight in the stand. We also decided that we’d put it in our living room instead of in the front room window like we’ve done for the past 4 years living in the house. Which has worked out nicely because we get to enjoy the tree more since we spend most of our time in this part of the house anyway.

I think she makes a perfect tree, if she would only hold still long enough!

Daddy and Isabel work on getting the lights on.

She’s having fun working on our tree.

The next few nights we worked on getting it decorated with bead garland and ornaments.

Our Christmas tree.

All In A Days Drawing

Isabel has been drawing on anything and everything (watch out! she’s drawn on a few important papers too). Her art work has been beginning to change and she’s starting to add more detail to each picture. It’s so great to see the pictures take form as it comes from her mind and pencil. Enjoy!

This was a “homework” assignment from Sunday school, she drew a picture of Jesus on the cross. Jesus is sad because he’s on the cross. She even sounded out the word “Gesus” – no help from Gino or I! Fantastic Job!!

Smiley faces are a big thing that she likes to draw. She is now starting to draw eyelashes, checks, open mouths w/teeth, and round eyeballs w/pupils. So great!

People are another thing she likes to draw. She has started to add bodies with legs with knees, ankles with feet. Arms with elbows and hands with wrists. She also is adding hair but not all the time.

I just love this picture! It’s Daisy or Dase, as Isabel spelled out on her own. Amazing how she’s starting to connect letter sounds to actually form them into words!

From snow outside last week, to snow inside on paper. This is a picture of Isabel playing in the snow as it’s falling from the sky.

I love this one too. This is her version of the photo I took of Gino and Isabel and the snowman they built last week in the snow. She even added clothes, arms and hair.
So wonderful!

School News: Naughty Chair

Today Isabel said she was sent to the naughty chair at school because she was being loud when she was supposed to be quiet. This was about all she would tell us about her day at school, she seemed a bit unnerved that she had to sit in the naughty chair at school. We talked about it over lunch and hopefully, it won’t be happening again.

They worked on painting pine cones green. Which she says she will be bringing home later. When I asked her if they practiced their Christmas songs, she said no.

Ja’Siah was the special helper today. For snack he brought fishy crackers and juice. He forgot to bring a show and tell.

School News: Special Helper And Letter I

Today I was back in the classroom with Isabel. I haven’t been in the class since back in September! Terrible!…I know. In October, I had signed up but Isabel was out sick the day I had signed up for and then in November, all the days were filled up. So as soon as I saw the sheet and I knew when Isabel’s special helper day was I signed up fast! Enjoy!

The morning started out with prayer and then several minutes of several kids just telling a story. All the kids seemed to be in very talkative moods today!

Isabel led the class for the pledge of the American Flag, Christian Flag, and Bible. She also got to point out all the new colors, shapes, and letters for the month of December on the new bulletin board. Afterward, we moved over to the tables to work on the letter of the day: I, which is for inchworm and igloo.

Working hard on cutting out the letter “I”.

Doing such a good job, girls.

Since Isabel was the special helper today, she got to choose a “special friend” to sit with her at the special helper table. Isabel choose Anika, both so focused on getting that letter “I” cut out.

This is Isabel’s letter “I” (I know it looks like a “T”), for inchworm.

Letter “I” is for igloo, too. Ms. Calvert is helping write names on igloo’s.

Working very hard on getting all those little marshmallows on those igloo’s.

Anika finished her igloo very quickly, which left Isabel with a bowl full of marshmallows all to herself! I think she likes this fun craft; she likes eating those marshmallows!

Mrs. “W” is helping make sure they get those marshmallows on really good.

Isabel’s finished igloo. So cute!

Afterward, it was time for show and tell. For show and tell, Isabel bought Lula! Isabel did a great job during show and tell. She spoke up nice and loud for all to hear her. She answered all the questions that everyone asked about her Lula. “Do you sleep with it?” and “Is it your very special toy?”, there were other questions but I couldn’t hear all of them.

The problem, that I saw, came when she had to pick someone to ask her a question about Lula. She still isn’t getting the names of the other kids, she only can remember a few of them (I’m not any better, I get the girls confused on who’s who!). So we are going to have to practice that. With 14 girls in the class it shouldn’t be that hard. Right?!

After show and tell time, we headed out to recess. Then back to the classroom for snack time before heading to chapel. For snack, Isabel brought Fig Newton cookies, string cheese and juice. Before heading to chapel, while the kids waited for the slower eaters, they sang songs on the circle time rug. Isabel picked the 3 monkeys song.

Then it was time to head over to chapel. During chapel, we (along with other classes) heard the story of the Christmas star and it’s importance in the birth of Jesus. Then all the kids practiced their Christmas program songs, for the school Christmas program that is coming up on the 16th. They sound so good!

By the time we got back to the classroom from chapel it was time to go home. We had a closing prayer, all the kids thanked me for helping today, and then the day was over. It was great fun and went by so fast! I will have to sign up again when I see that sign-up sheet!