Third Grade: Day 174

Seven more days until the last day of school. Isabel has been counting the days down since Monday. She has a little tally mark chart in her daily journal. Each day she writes in her journal she drops a mark on her tally chart. When the tally mark disappears, the smile on her face is priceless!

Today we continued our story of Daniel and King Darius. When King Darius gives the decree to worship no other gods but him for thirty days. Daniel hears the decree, returns home 3 times a day as before and thanks his God. In James, we are reading about boasting about tomorrow. We’ll finish the lessons in James and Daniel as well tomorrow.

We worked for an hour on math and multiplication with three or more numbers. Isabel struggled with it at first but after a bit more instruction she was able to work through the skills quickly. Afterward, we did a new 5-minute frenzy.

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She was so caught up with the numbers 13, 14, 15, she let it distract her from doing the numbers she knows.
We’ll try it again until she’s able to get those numbers she stresses about!

After lunch we had went over our history lesson for the day. We had a great discussion about woman’s rights in 1848, Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad, and religious reform during this time in history. Tomorrow we’ll begin moving west as the country embarks on a journey across the the plains and into the west.

Isabel completed her book review from yesterday. She struggled with getting started but after explanations, she finally got something down. She reviewed, “The Secret of the Sealed Room” by B. MacDonald.


I told her it was o.k. but she could have done better.
We spent a good 30-minutes going over word choices and more examples.


Tomorrow we complete our finally spelling test for the year.


Today she missed 1.
I don’t know how to say a word is hyphened without telling her it is. So frustrating, for both of us.

Bible verse:

“I say to God my Rock, “Why have you forgotten me?
Why have you forgotten me?

Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?”
– Psalm 42:9

We are continuing to learn the 42nd Psalm. Next week, she’ll have to present the entire chapter.

Until tomorrow…

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