New Life Egg Hunt

Usually Daddy is the one to hide the eggs around the house but this year it was me!

I asked her if she wanted to do the hunt outside (since it wasn’t raining – first time ever!) and she asked me “why?”. She didn’t know that outside is where you normally have an egg hunt. So we did it inside.

I hid the eggs in the family and dining room, kitchen and classroom. While Isabel hid out in her room.

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The first one she found was in by the coffee/tea maker.

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Easy one to find.

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This one required her to s-t-r-e-t-c-h!

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With Mickey in the classroom.
(Daddy hid one here too later)

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Mickey was hiding this one too.

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In with the pencils for class.

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This one took her some time to find and it fit so perfectly in it’s hiding place.

I think I did rather well. She had to get 3 clues in order to get her last egg found.

This last egg and her 3 clues:

  • it’s by something yellow
  • it’s up high and
  • you will need a ladder to get to it

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Even after all those clues she still had a hard time finding this one walked by it so many times I lost count!

We had a great time hunting for our new life eggs!

She wanted Daddy to hide the eggs and she hunt for them again one more time. His eggs were easy to find but one of them was a bit out of reach!

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New Life Eggs – 2015

It’s that time of year again to get out the die and celebrate the empty tomb with some “new life” eggs.

This year we just let Isabel do all the dye-work, she had fun but I think she’s looking forward to the hide-and-seek part better!

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Getting our supplies ready.

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We just bought a little kit this year, seems easier.

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All her eggs are in their dye bath to soak.

Now we wait…

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and make faces at the camera.

Or we can do the shrink wrap eggs.

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3 sleeves were included in the kit.
The third sleeve was a bit tough getting onto the egg.

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While I lower the eggs, Isabel is snapping photos.

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She thought this was cool.

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The completed shrink wrap eggs.

It’s just about time for bed so we need to check on those eggs in the dye.

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She started decorating and got 2 eggs completed before bedtime.
Tomorrow she can finish.

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Writing something.
She won’t let me see it until she’s finished.

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“Jesus love you”, she wrote.

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Her “New Life” eggs.

The basket she’ll get tomorrow.

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2 movies, 1 book, 3 CD’s, fruit snacks, 1 chocolate marshmallow egg, some licorice,
some money and some popped corn kernels.
She’ll be surprised. She hasn’t had a basket in years.

Third Grade: Day 134

Today is our Friday and we are ready for our Easter Holiday! Tomorrow is Good Friday and we will not be having class.

Today we did a few things (mostly written work) and were complete in the early afternoon.

In the classroom:

Today was Isabel’s big presentation of her poem. We did several video trails before she gave her first presentation to Nana and Pompo online!

[vimeo clip_id=”124080965″ width=”550″]

She did an awesome job!
Nana was super impressed with her ability to memorize this poem.

Tomorrow she will do it again for Grandma and Grandpa.

In Language Arts, Isabel’s assignment today was to tell a story. That was all.

[vimeo clip_id=”124075707″ width=”550″]

The “carrot-caper”!

Dictation passage:

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Psalm 107:1,9 .
Done beautifully.

Spelling test:

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She was upset that she missed “splendidly”.
She did a great job regardless.

In math, I had her do several skills in multiplication and division. She’s beginning to like multiplication (she told me that today) but she doesn’t like division all that much.

5-minute frenzy:

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Next time she does a 5-minute frenzy, I told her I would challenge her.
She thought that was a great idea!

In order to get all our states completed before the end of the school year, we did 4 states today.

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