Homeschool Science Class

Today’s class was all about fungi. Tan, brown, white and green fungi. Shaggy, crisp and soft fungi.

The class spent time outside looking for fungi around the center and on the nature trail.

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Fungi naming chart.

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Fungi character chart.

It was also about “Under the Microscope”

The class also spent some time looking and observing items under microscopes. They were then asked to draw pictures of what they saw during their observations.

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Isabel’s observations from under the microscope.

After class we headed to the playground for just a few moments before heading home.

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The rock on the playground is a great challenge to climb.

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She had some fungi in her pocket she told me and showed me after climbing down.
She said the smell reminded her of arts and crafts supplies but she couldn’t remember what.

However, on the way home she told me she was surprised that I didn’t smell it. When I told her I could do it at home, she said no. She had left the fungi there at the center. I was a bit bummed that I wouldn’t have a chance to smell it but at least I got a picture.

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