Third Grade: Day 83

Today was another sick day. We all slept in until just past 8 a.m.

Feeling groggy, I was the first one up and went to check on Isabel. She was still sleeping and I really hated to wake her but we needed to get going with our day.

I asked her how her throat was feeling and she said it was still hurting and sore. I felt her head and she felt warm, so after checking her temp, realized she had a slight fever of 100.1. I told her to stay in bed while I made her something to eat. She ate a small bowl of oatmeal and while she finished I began the day with Bible reading. I did both Isabel’s reading and my own.

We completed our 2 new books for the week.

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“And Then What Happened, Paul Revere?” by J. Fritz and “Phoebe the Spy” by J.B. Griffin

I couldn’t see why stretching these easy-readers out until Friday would be worth it. So we read both, completed the review questions and then around 10 a.m. we both headed back upstairs for a nap! I slept for about an hour and Isabel stayed in bed keeping warm (don’t know if she slept).

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Around noon, we got up again and had some lunch. My sore throat (like Gino’s) comes and goes, it’s not a constant pain. Isabel’s on the other hand, is constant. When and if she talks her throat is thick and heavy. Poor girly.

In the afternoon we focused on all the written work for the day:

  • Spelling
  • Science
  • Language Arts
  • English
  • Math
  • Art

 (insert photo of spelling test)
spelling tests.

Simple, complete, compound subjects and predicates in sentences. What are they?

  • Subject is the who or what the sentence is about. Can be simple, complete or compound.
  • Predicate is the information about the subject in the sentence. Can be simple, complete or compound.

These concepts are complex and can not be learned in a day. However Isabel is doing great figuring out what is what. We’ll continue to work on them to get a better understanding.

Confidence in writing is key!

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Subjects and predicates learning what they are on the easel and worksheets.

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Later in the afternoon, I asked Isabel about her throat was feeling. On a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the worse and 1 feeling normal, she gave her throat an 8 or a 7. I checked her temp again and it had gone down a degree to 99.0. We’ll keep monitoring the temp and how her throat is feeling.

About her butterfly mobile… we got it finished today after class and it looks great!

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4-stage butterfly mobile!

Stage 1: eggs
Stage 2: caterpillar
Stage 3: cocoon
Stage 4: butterfly

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Close-up of completed mobile.
She did a fantastic job!

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Our new mobile hangs in the corner of the room above Isabel’s desk.

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