Second Grade: Day 47 – Half Day

Today is Thursday and it’s a half day. P.E. is cancelled due to it being a half day. It’s also picture day as well.

Isabel went into after school care because of the half day for elementary. I still had a full day of school for preschool.

She didn’t mention anything about her school day, since she had spent most of her day in after school care. She was bummed out because of the rain that kept the kids inside for recess but that disappointment didn’t last long because they had fun inside the gym running races, playing with the scooters, hula-hooping, and playing football. They also got to watch a Peanuts Thanksgiving movie! That sounds like more fun then going out to the playground!


Lots of work was brought home today.

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Second Grade: Day 46 – Veterans Chapel

Today is Wednesday and it’s Chapel and library.

Today’s Chapel was a special Veterans Day Chapel. Anyone (mostly parents) that serve or have served were welcome to attend. Isabel’s class/teacher was in charge of putting the whole thing together and Isabel had a special part!


Salutes to the flags and Bible given by second grade leaders:
Mr. Nathan, Ms. Isabel, Ms. Reese, and Ms. Madeline.

She was part of the second grade salute leaders. Her part was to lead the congregation with the pledge to the Christian flag. She did an awesome job!

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With the local Joint Base Lewis/McCord Color Guard.

Other fellow classmates helped with salutes and lead the prayer for the speaker.

The speaker today was Pastor H from one of the local churches. He was also the speaker last year as well and briefly mentioned who he spoke about; Joshua Chamberlain. Joshua Chamberlain was a professor and became a volunteer in the Civil War. Mr. Chamberlain later became a Major General and earned a Medal of Honor for all his work in the war. This year Pastor H spoke about Peter Francisco and his work in the American Revolutionary War. Pastor H spoke about Mr. Francisco’s heroism and determination to fight in the war.

We need to remember these men, even the ones from our past because all men and women who service (or served) for are country give up so much in order to do what they believe is right.

Thank you so very much to all the men and women who serve are country, today, tomorrow and in the future. Without their dedication  and sacrifice our live’s would be very different if they didn’t fight for us and our freedom. Thank you!

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Poem by Cheryl Dyson

On Veterans Day we honor all,
Who answered to a service call.
Soldiers young and soldiers old,
Fought for freedom, brave and bold.
Some have lived, while others died,
And all of them deserve our pride.
We’re proud of all the soldiers who,
Kept thinking of red, white and blue.
They fought for us and all our rights,
They fought through many days and nights.
And though we may not know each name,
We thank ALL veterans just the same.

Isabel didn’t have anything to say about her school day. She didn’t even mention going to the library! When I picked her up after school she seemed tired.


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Second Grade: Day 45

Today is Tuesday and it’s music class with Mr. G.

Isabel said they did really good in music class today. They are working very hard on their Christmas program songs. I believe the program is in 6 weeks or so. Just before Christmas break.

She didn’t mention anything else about her day other than she found her missing eraser.

I did some subbing today and also had a staff meeting after work. I didn’t get to see her until 5:30 and then it was straight into homework and dinner. Tuesdays are like that when there’s a meeting.

This week is a short week due to it being the end of the quarter on Thursday. There is no school on Friday due to a teacher work day (I have to work!). Monday is no school because of Veteran’s Day, so tomorrow is a special Veteran’s Day Chapel. Isabel has invited me to come because she said she will be involved in presentation! Looking forward to seeing what her class is doing.

Isabel is going to be taking piano lessons!!!

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The school is offering the lessons each week.
I am looking forward to it and I know Isabel will too once the class begins.
(When I find out more information I’ll post it here!)


She didn’t bring home very much graded work because she didn’t finish it yesterday. The work she didn’t finish was her homework for tonight, along with work from today. So there is a lot that needs to be returned for tomorrow.

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This was another assignment that wasn’t completed; from Friday.
She turned it in on Monday and got it back today.

Second Grade: Day 44

Today is Monday and it’s music class with Mr. G. The first quarter of school ends this Thursday!

Isabel came home upset about losing one of her big pink erasers. I told her it was going to be O.K. and she has another, there is no need to get so upset. If we can’t find the other one, I can go buy another. She didn’t seem to like my answer but it helped calm her down.

She’s still playing with Ms. Mila at recess but she has begun to branch out and play with other girls. She’s been playing with several girls in her class, Ms. Nashley and Ms. Maliyah. I’m loving the fact that she’s getting more involved with girls in her own class.

She’s been invited to birthday party! It’s being held at the end of the month. She’s super excited!

This week’s Bible verse is…

“When a stranger resided with you in your land, you shall not do him any wrong… You shall love him as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God.” – Leviticus 19:33-34

(Teacher Mrs. A stated that this verse does not need to memorized since it is in review of the whole first quarter lessons about Moses.)

For S.a.T. this week it is free choice. I told Isabel she had to take something that she hasn’t taken before and no stuffed animals.

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So she took her mini baseball bat from her first Mariners baseball game.

This week in Social studies they are still going over “governing the people”.

This week’s spelling words are…

cranes: machines with long movable arms used to lift things
directions: instructions on how to do something
promise: what you say you will do
twitch: to move with a sharp, quick movement
worry: to think about bad things that may happen

Language arts for this week is irregular plural nouns and “Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane“.


She brought home a lot of work from Friday and today.

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Bible test.

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On the back of her Bible test Isabel wrote a note to Teacher Mrs. A.

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Spelling test.

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Math review.

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Bible verse test.

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The whole class did this fractions page together today.

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D.L.R. from Friday.

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Book Slueth

This weekend we headed north to Ikea for some shopping and just to get out and exercise (lots of walking in that BIG store). One of our coolest finds was at the Goodwill.

A whole collection of Nancy Drew books!

The collection is from the 80’s publication and all the books are like new condition. There are only a few of the books missing from the collection (besides the few (not pictured) that we are reading now) and I’m sure we can find those few at the Goodwill or online.
Thank you Daddy for all the great books!

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Isabel has been in literary heaven!

Second Grade: Day 43

Today is Friday and it’s the first of November!

This month is going to be a busy one. The school has 4 special Chapels lined up for each week. There are parent/teacher conferences, picture day, a book fair and then it’s Thanksgiving break! Already!

Today’s computer lab was focused on working on packets. Isabel tried to describe to me what they were but I still don’t understand what they are.

Not much was said about her day in class and I forgot to ask until later in the evening.

Enjoy the weekend!


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