School News: Mommy Helper

Today, I got to be the ‘Mommy helper” in Isabel’s class. I had no idea what was in store and was a bit excited to see Isabel interact with the other kids in her class.

After arriving and getting Isabel settled with doing her daily name writing assignment, I waited around for class to begin. After Isabel completed her name assignment, she headed over to the quiet “circle” to get a book and wait for the others to write their names. I didn’t want to sit by her on the rug, so I sat on the opposite side in the back. After going through the morning prayer, pledges, calender, roll-call, and bible lesson, I was called away by Ms. Calvert, while Mrs. “W” read a story about an ant who didn’t think that it could help the colony like the other ants.

Ms. Calvert and I set up the days weekly theme craft. The next two weeks Bible theme is the story of Creation or “God made the World for Isabel” and they were on days 2 and 3.

Day 2: God created sky.
The kids (and I) got to glue cotton balls to make clouds. Some of those kids can get a little crazy with the glue, we tried to keep it under control!

Day 3: God created land, trees, grass, and flowers.
The kids glued on pom poms for the coconuts.

After the theme project we headed back over to the circle rug and sang songs. We sang; Sally the Camel, A song about beavers, and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. All the songs had hand actions and was a bit entertaining to watch the kids try to get the hand motions correct (myself included). Afterward, we headed outside to the playground. On the way there, the teachers learned that there was going to be a fire drill today. Oh fun!

When we got to the playground, I helped the boys get the bikes out, helped push kids on the swing, and tried to keep some of the kids from throwing rocks. Yikes! After our playground time, we had time to share, until the fire drill. So we played follow the leader until we heard the alarm begin. I tried to keep the kids in order and keep them focused on Mrs. “W” and Ms. Calvert. We got a bit scattered a few times and then we’d get back in line. On the way to our designated fire drill area in the parking lot, I noticed Isabel crying. When I caught up to her, she wanted me to hold her. Very quickly, I tried to explain the drill  to her without scaring her, while keeping an eye on all the other kids and making sure they were understanding where they were to go. (She never did stop crying, in her mind the school was going to burn down.)

What mayhem! I think after a few more drills, everyone (including office staff) will know were everyone is supposed to stand in the parking lot. When the fire drill was over and we were given the O.K. to head back, we stopped by the bathrooms for hand washing and potty breaks. I helped the kids reach the soap, made sure everyone got their hands washed, and anyone needing the bathroom used it quickly. After getting back into the classroom, the kids headed over to the circle rug for… something, I can’t remember. I was helping get the snack set out on the tables.

The special helper was Ms. Calvert (the teachers were the special helpers the first 2 days of school). She bought fruit snacks and juice for snack and there was no show and tell. She did get to read the kids a story… which I can’t remember what it was about. After snack the kids got to do free play…

… at the sensory table filled with lima beans.

… dressing up.

… with trucks/cars, building roads and bugs!

… mold clay and view-finders.

The kids are allowed to play with anything in the room. It’s great to see them interact with each other. Afterward, they sang the “Clean-up” song and sat back at the quiet rug to welcome back the parents.